In a few minutes you'll receive an email from me. Watch out for a message called “email from James Bond.” Click on the link in the email and your message will arrive. Its to avoid spam. If you are on gmail it may arrive in your promotions tab. With a name like James Bond it sometimes comes into your spam so please white list it.

Now the video below is about mothers but any lady -anywhere in the world- mother or not- will relate to it. Watch it and fill in the form below.

25th April 2024

  • On full time pay
  • On part time hours
  • Earning more part time
  • Than your partner does full time
  • In between school runs
  • From home
  • With no childcare issue
  • Invest between £0 - £1000 with a whole range of options in between. Bear in mind that at one stage I had £250,000 of debt on my shoulders so I took the £0 options!
  • Work for an hour a day unpaid.
  • By the time your kids get to school you'll be able drop them off at school, work from home, pick up them in the afternoon and be a full time mother until they go to bed.